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Municipal Pension Retirees' Association

2021 Biennial Convention

July 13, 2021 10:35 AM | Anonymous


The 2021 Biennial Convention, this year via Zoom, was convened May 12&13. There are many to thank for the success of this event, but none more than the 84 delegates themselves. With most attending at least one group training session, and many requiring one on one instruction from Bob Emery or Lawrence Eddy, delegates arrived practiced in how to utilize their mute/unmute, electronic hand, and chat features on whichever device they were using. Voting with polling procedures, and entering breakout rooms was easily done. Thanks to all for your patience, diligence and participation. Business of the convention was routine in nature with the President's Report, Financial Report, Vice Presidents and Committee Reports being presented and accepted. Twenty-five (25) Special Resolutions and Three (3) Resolutions were presented to the delegates and voted upon, and elections for all executive positions were held.

Special Resolutions of Note:

  1. Effective January 1, 2022 annual dues shall be $22.00 per member and $40.00 per couple.
  2. New members who receive a MPP Pension will be offered a free membership for the calendar year in which they apply effective May 14. These members must provide their PID number for automatic Dues Deduction in the following year. (this is not retroactive).
  3. Quorum for district meetings will now be 8 members or 4% of the district membership, whichever is greater and have member representation in addition to the District Executive.

Two resolutions were adopted 

1.     Resolution #1 – Long Term Care and Assisted Living Homes: standard of care

Therefore, be it resolved that the MPRA campaign the Government of the

Province of British Columbia to enact legislation to ensure that there is an improved level of standard of care within all assisted living homes and long-term care facilities.

Be it further resolved to ensure that this standard of care is consistent throughout all for profit, not for profit, union, non-union, assisted living and long-term care facilities.

2.     Resolution #2 – Long Term Care and Assisted Living Homes – standard of staffing

Therefore, be it resolved that the MPRA campaign the Government of the Province of British Columbia to enact legislation to ensure that single-site staffing continues for evermore in all profit and not for profit, union and non-union long-term care and assisted living facilities within the Province of British Columbia.

Be it further resolved that all employees of long-term care and assisted living facilities earn a livable wage with full benefit packages.

The Board will be voicing your concerns to the Provincial Government, and we encourage districts and individual members to do the same.  


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