Municipal Pension Retirees' Association


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Our Mission

The MPRA is an association of retirees that promotes the interest and welfare of its members and communicates activities that are of common interest to the municipal retirees in the Municipal Pension Plan.

In addition, the organization provides an opportunity for members to meet on a regular basis and for other purposes as established by the membership.

ur Mission

The MPRA is an association of retirees that promotes the interest and welfare of its members and communicates activities that are of common interest to the municipal retirees in the Municipal Pension Plan.

In addition, the organization provides an opportunity for members to meet on a regular basis and for other purposes as established by the membership.

Who We Are
Municipal Employees including Firefighters and Police Officers

  • Health Care Employees including non Nursing Support Staff, Practical Nurses, Care Aides, Registered Nurses, Psychiatric Nurses
  • Municipal Employees
  • City and Regional District Employees
  • Parks and Recreation Employees
  • Police Officers
  • Firefighters
  • Social Services and Community Employees
  • Library Employees
  • Health Science Professionals
  • First Nations Health Agencies
  • School District Employees except Teachers and
  • Others who contributed to the Municipal Pension Plan
  • Survivors/Beneficiary
  • Click Here to view a list of 905 employers that contribute to the Municipal Pension Plan 

 Join today!

Why Join the MPRA

  • An Association of retirees managed by retirees.

  • Your voice regarding pension and benefit issues. 

  • Biannual MPRA newsletters (The Advisor).

  • 33 Local districts within B.C. includes 1 Out of Province

  • Get your first calendar year membership FREE.

  • An opportunity to share your knowledge and experience.

  • A network of retirees and friends.

  • Link to News

          District 05 upper vancouver island     

District #05 Executive

Chair- Graeme Littlejohn

Phone: 250-871-1089


Treasurer- Barbara Biley

Please Click HERE to visit our event Calendar for your District's most current meeting date and time information.

© Copyright 2020-2024 Municipal Pension Retirees' Association.  All rights reserved. EST. 2003

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